JCPS 150th Anniversary - Scavenger Hunt Take a selfie following the rules. Win a prize!Calling all students and families of the Jersey City Public Schools!!
McNair Academic Seniors teach coding and robotics Two McNair Academic seniors , Yuga Patel and Saleema Diallo co-founded GRAM -Games and Robotics Academy for Minorities, to teach coding, game development and robotics to Greenville kids.
JCPS Energy Savings Improvement Plan JCPS is in the process of implementing the most significant school investment in energy-saving improvements in state history
Dickinson HS student Athlete awarded Fiona Graham was awarded a $2,500 check from the NY Jets this past Sunday at the MetLife Stadium
Free or Reduced Lunch Flyer Click here to read about the free or reduced lunch application. Also, parents may setup a lunch account for their children.
Stories from the Atelier A gallery exhibit for the art teachers is being hosted by Curriculum department from Oct 5-7, 2023
McNair HS & Infinity PSAT 8/9 Testing Information For 8th grade students seeking admission and 9th-grade students seeking a transfer to Dr. Ronald E. McNair Academic High School and Infinity Institute for September 2024.Click for Details...